Cyber War isn’t Coming It is already Here!

Cyber War isn’t Coming It is already Here! Wars today are less likely to be kinetic, and it is safe to assume that the primary mode of retaliation from Iran will be a cyber attack. Iran wants to bring down the U.S., and the fastest way to do that is to damage us...

Zeroing In On our Industrial Control Systems

Zeroing In On our Industrial Control Systems The country of Iran has been recruiting and training an army of cyberhackers and developing digital tools that can disruptively sabatoge entire computer networks.  Now they are focusing their efforts on SCADA systems often...

Bomb’s will not be Iran’s retaliation – Technological hacks are more likely

Bomb’s will not be Iran’s retaliation – Technological hacks are more likely Microsoft said on Friday that Iranian hackers, with apparent backing from the government, had made more than 2,700 attempts to identify the email accounts of current and...