EU Government Ask Streaming Content Companies to Reduce Quality

The internet infrastructure is undergoing a major stress test.  With a majority of businesses under social distancing requirements, they had no choice but to have their employees work remotely from their homes. Add to that schools and universities closing and requiring virtual education.  Then to top that you have all these people required to stay at home which means a huge amount of data being used for streaming of entertainment. So far in the US, we are faring pretty well. There are periods when the data rate may slow but we have yet to experience any major outages.  So far, so good. 


In Europe, their infrastructure is not faring so well and the European government is asking the large streaming providers to reduce the quality of the videos that they stream to residential customers in hope that it will relieve some of the issues that their infrastructure is experiencing.  These streaming companies said they for the next 30 days they would lower the bit rate but still provide the quality resolution their customers desired.