Tech Solutions For Border Security – Russia Using Bitcoin To Bypass US Sanctions – Renaming Alexa: AS HEARD ON WGAN: [01-23-19]

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Craig is on WGAN this morning with Ken and Matt in their usual banter. They discussed the tech solutions for border security, the tech trends for 2019, and how to rename Alexa.

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Below is a rush transcript of this segment, it might contain errors.

Airing date: 01/23/2019

Tech Solutions For Border Security – Russia Using Bitcoin To Bypass US Sanctions – Renaming Alexa

Craig Peterson 0:00
Hey everybody, I hope you’ve taken the time to look at that special report that I offered this week. Of course, it’s it’s free, right? Isn’t that always the case and I have a little bit of an upsell for you, it’s really cheap. And I just want to cover my costs on a webinar that we’re going to hold about this on Friday. But you can freeze your
credit and you can do it for absolutely nothing. And then I personally think it’s way better than going to these credit monitoring companies that all they’ll do is after the fact try and help you clean up a little bit of the mess right. So freeze it, make sure you get that that special report if you haven’t already checked your email because you should have gotten an email from me.

So this morning with our friends Ken and Matt we of course, had a few different discussions we talked about the border because they had been going on and on they were yelling. Ken yelling actually not mad, I had a guest that had called him a was crazy all about the border border security. And I had to kind of straighten out a couple of things here about what technology could do, what are the basic problems and even kind of tip my hat little bit as to which way I lean on that one. So we talked about that we talked about your Amazon Alexa and how to change its name, so that it isn’t waking up all the time by someone saying the wrong wake up word. And there are three words you can use to wake it up. So I talked a little bit about that. And one more thing when we’re talking about our security and and what you should be doing, I’ve got a special course that’s going to be starting up here in just a few weeks. And it’s not just a course because I know you don’t all want to be security experts, right? You just want to solve your security problem, I get it. Finally, I think okay, so I, I have this whole thing we’re going to back you up. I’ve got commitments from my technology people, my engineers that work for my company, my technicians all the way up to my third level tech support, I’m going to be offering a complete technology turnaround for you from you know, security standpoint, in just a couple of weeks. And I’m going to work with you, I’m going to explain how this all works. I’m going to show you how to secure your computers absolutely secure them. And we’re also now going to be able to have tech support available for you as part of this all inclusive package. How’s that for a big deal.

So if you are a tech guy at a company, we’re not going to move in on your space, we’re going to help you with securing your business doesn’t matter how big the businesses can be a Soho can be a multi million dollar public company, because we we deal with everything in between, frankly, including both of those edges. So I am so excited about this. I went through this yesterday with my team. And we explained what was going to happen and laid out all of the plans. And there’s a lot of work for us involved. We’ve never offered this before. In fact, no one has ever offered this before. But it’s a complete security technology turnaround, where we will hold your hand, we’re not just going to sell you some software and run away. In fact, you don’t even have to buy any software from us. This is all about educating you about the security problems, how to fix them yourselves. And you are backed by our engineers. Now thinking about thinking about our friends at Microsoft. If you ever called Microsoft for tech support,

Unknown 3:54
right? Have you ever paid them the $300 they want I know I’ve even paid the the $300 they want for a single tech support call one call lasting no more than two hours. And when you think about all of the computers that you have, and you’re trying to get those computers all fixed up and working. Don’t you wish you had somebody to explain it all to you. Right there are you one of those people who’s tried it and and stumbled and said, Forget about it. And you don’t want to upgrade your computer because you just know something’s going to break. And you just know yet can be able to fix it. And you just know you’re not going to be able to open a dozen support tickets with Microsoft and four or $5,000 later you might be back on your feet, right? If that’s the case,

Unknown 4:47
do you think that would help you that this whole thing would help you because that’s what we’re going to be offering. So this is exciting. This is new, we’ve never done it before. So keep your eyes on because this is coming up in a couple of weeks. I am going to be sending out some emails on this in a couple of weeks. And you’ll find out more. And I’m going to have a webinar kind of explaining what we’re doing that I’m going to make an offer. And that’s it. I’m only doing this this one time. And hopefully if it’s right for you. You will sign up. So anyhow, here we go with Mr. Ken and Matt on WGAN and all of their affiliates in Maine

Unknown 5:31
Ken got some food and a little happier now.

Unknown 5:38
So I got a little… by the way do I might sound

Unknown 5:43
Do you think Craig Peterson.

Unknown 5:45
Craig Peterson, our tech guru. He has you know, you joke about me having 17 kids. He actually may have 17. I think probably older than me.

Unknown 5:52
probably say let me guess you I’m going to say 50 now. 45.

Unknown 6:01
You’re like this to my youngest kid is 23. Oh my god. Our eldest is 35.

Unknown 6:07
So you got to be me. And then you could have been 20, you know.

Unknown 6:10
Well, that’s my my wife turned 60 this year. Wow.

Unknown 6:14
Alright, so that’s Wow. Okay. Yeah.

Unknown 6:18
39. Yeah,

Unknown 6:20

Unknown 6:22
too. So

Unknown 6:25
there you go. Hey, Ken. Yes. All of this discussion about the border? I thought maybe we might want to talk about a couple of little technology things that might

Unknown 6:33
please do take my mind off this. I think that’s a great idea.

Unknown 6:36

Unknown 6:38
Me, what about late

Unknown 6:40
Are you talking about lasers pointed at Tom Brady’s face at football games? Because I’m a little concerned about that.

Unknown 6:46
Exactly. Now, it’s an interesting debate, frankly, because there are so many aspects of it. That’s too bad that there’s just so much focus strictly on the wall. I you know, you look at this, what’s the wall for courses, physical barrier to prevent people from crossing. But as you guys have both talked about before, we’ve got a big problem with people overstating visas, we’re trying to keep people out of the country illegally. We, you know, we talked a few weeks ago about these new biometric systems like the ones that will scan your eyes looking for a potential lies that that was I’m actually I don’t think we spoke about it. That was in my, you know, my website. But here’s some of the technologies they’re looking at right now. If you fly out of Orlando, there’s this new biometric system that does look at your eyes. But to identify you, as a unique person, we’ve got other biometric systems that are starting to be deployed. And the idea is that we can catch people very quickly, who are trying to enter illegally. So someone, for instance, decides that they’re going to come in the country, they come here, they commit a crime of some sort, they are arrested. And if we do capture their biometric information, and then they leave to go home to visit family or whatever, and they come back at that point, now we can stop them, we can catch them, we can detect illicit behavior with different types of scanners, we can screen migrants, we can put more technology at our ports and, and more scanning more surveillance to see what’s going on. It’s like President Trump that suggested that. And what we’re talking about here are, again, what Ken was mentioning this morning, we know that most of the drugs that are crossing the border are coming to our major ports of entry. Of course, we don’t really know how much is coming elsewhere, because we don’t monitor that closely. But we can do a much better job of even having dogs at the borders that are sniffing that are looking for some of these things. But then you run into problems like I have clients, a couple of them, I can think of off and that have parts of their equipment manufacturer to Mexico, and then they ship it up here, they do final assembly in the US and then they sell their products. Well, at that point, now you’re causing problems for our economies, and for American businesses, American jobs, because you’re stopping the some of the flow of this, or at least you’re slowing it down impeding it, but you know, there are some things we can do with our existing ports that are going to improve things. Obviously, we can’t track people, even the little bit of biometric things we’ve heard about before, where you stick a chip under the skin that’s just playing not going to work because the only can be helpful if they’re right there at a scanner. So forget those types of ideas. But it’s very difficult problem. There is some technology that divine to try and solve some of this problem. But I also want us to be a little bit cautious here because both sides are pretty upset about what’s happening right now. And I want to be conscious because we tend to need jerk many times and I don’t want to have this backscatter radar problem like we’ve had at the airports where you’ve got backscatter x rays being used, and there’s a lot of questions about how much harm they were doing, initially, how much time they still might be doing, and we put them in places a quick response to some of the terrorist actions that happen that are very rare and should we be should we be knee jerk? And I don’t know I I don’t think so. But there’s a lot of discussion frankly, from my standpoint, it’s frustrating that the democrats completely reject an empty and and Chuck Schumer. Nancy Pelosi rejected Trump’s proposals before he even made the proposals. How do we have a national dialogue about this? And how do we come to a new set of laws and new technology, new regulations, new employees, when nobody seems to want to talk this want to yell?

Unknown 11:08
Craig Peterson, our tech guru, just talk about the world of technology. And what’s happening, talked a little bit about border wall stuff. Let’s get into more general technology topics, though, if you will. I you know, there’s a lot of things we look back at 2018 and sort of see the trends that we saw starting to develop and things that we saw in technology and whatnot, what as you look forward to 2019, do you see as the top trends that we’re going to be talking about

Unknown 11:34
all year? Yeah, this is kind of interesting. We’ve had a bunch of different trends over the years. And I said in the past, hey, this is that the year of the medical hack, for instance, right, where I think that our, our, our hospitals are going to be hacked, etc. And we’ve had years where it was, wow, this is the year of high def TV this year, I don’t think we’re going to have any big breakthroughs, you know, over iPhone was more than a decade ago now. And then the iPad came shortly afterwards. But I think this year is going to be kind of setting the pace for the future, and the groundwork for the future. And it’s going to be really big, it’s going to make change the world within the next two to three years, frankly, in some ways, you’re not going to recognize the future five years from today, because of some technology that’s rolling out this year. Now, we’ve mentioned before the 5G rollouts that are starting to happen, this is the new technology for our cell phone systems. And what this technology does is it provides incredibly fast service 10 times faster or more in some cases than what we have today for our cell phones, and also provides for many more millions, actually more than billion new devices to be attached to these networks. So what does that mean ultimately? Well, that means that our friends in the cable TV business are going to finally face some serious competition and our cable TV, if you will, you know, our TV is going to be in the future in most areas of the country. Of course, if you’re in rural rural Maine, you’re not going to see this right away. But it’s in his faith major competition, because our cell phone carriers are going to be able to provide very inexpensive, very high speed internet that will be price competitive with what you have in your house, even right now. So so your cable may not even be used for internet anymore. And they’ll be providing streaming video services, including local TV, that’s all coming in about two to three years, Apple isn’t even going to do a 5G phone this year. They said that won’t happen until next year. But some of the other vendors are going to do it, they’re going to kick their toes in. And 2019 is going to be known as the year of really kind of laying the groundwork for a much different future when it comes to data. And I want to add one more thing to this. And that is we are seeing serious push back now to large lack of privacy, misuse of data. And people are very upset. Government agencies are upset. As you know, the chairman pie of the FCC. FCC is very upset about this. And there is work of foot in Congress as well. So we’re going to see more regulations. We’re also going to see the industry itself try and pull up at socks. So expect to see a little bit of a an industry movement probably let her friends at Facebook, because they’ve got such a black guy this year. It’s going to try and protect our privacy, which I think very important thing because we really haven’t been doing anywhere near enough about it.

Unknown 15:09
We’re talking to Craig Peterson is our tech school joins us Tuesdays at 7:38.

Unknown 15:14
before we let you go you know I did get Alexa for Christmas. And I

Unknown 15:18
Alexa play who

Unknown 15:20
I did

Unknown 15:20
change it to computer though, because I thought it was much better. That’s called a computer. Ah,

Unknown 15:25
so what you can change? Yes.

Unknown 15:27
Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Unknown 15:29
Limited. A sorry, Craig. We’re going to talk we’re talking to our tech experts. Only a few seriously, you can

Unknown 15:35
say Alexa changer, your

Unknown 15:39
your name

Unknown 15:40

Unknown 15:42
or changing reading or?

Unknown 15:43
Yeah, I’ll

Unknown 15:44
use a computer. I can do like a star trek thing. And I can be like, computer

Unknown 15:47
computer. Yeah, but

Unknown 15:51
that’s happening today. I’m gonna go ahead and go home.

Unknown 15:53
What else? It is on store for us from Amazon. Are they going to have this and every wall we have? Are they going to be having cameras? This

Unknown 16:00
is this a minority report? Are we turning into Minority Report? That’s my question. I’m talking about biometrics reading eyeballs. That’s the first thing I thought about was Tom Cruise going into the gap.

Unknown 16:10
Minority Report.

Unknown 16:11
By the way, for those of you whose radio who’s electrodes are now streaming live, which is what I do in the morning, when I wake up, you can change this culture wake up word. And the way to change it to computer is you’re going to your Alexa app on your phone. You tap that little hamburger menu settings and scroll down to wake word.

Unknown 16:31
Yeah. And then we have

Unknown 16:32
that drop down menu.

Unknown 16:35
Yeah. And then you can call it either Amazon Echo or computer,

Unknown 16:40
right? All right. And that’s all you have to do. We didn’t get major Barrett’s voice to do it back to you know, yes.

Unknown 16:47
You know what I have? I have a skill that all I have to do is say le x a red alert and it sounds the virus from the original Star Trek series

Unknown 17:03
Barrett some

Unknown 17:06

Unknown 17:08
because I don’t think you can buy that one. Yeah, yeah, it’s kind of cool. So yeah, there’s 100 million dollar these things now in people’s hands. These Alexa and they are continuing to grow. And they are being embedded now. And more and more devices. Apple this year at CES. That was their big thing, if you will, their announcement was Apple is now making Siri available in TVs and other third party devices. So we’re going to see more and more integration. And it looks like Amazon might be winning this smart speaker were

Unknown 17:42
indeed. All right, Craig. Craig Peterson, our tech guru joining us, you know, as it usually does on Wednesdays here can you say joins, we have about two minutes left Craig. So make this one a brief one, but Russia and bitcoins is this some way of getting around sanctions?

Unknown 18:00
Interesting story and Bitcoin is Bitcoin apparently because of fraud and initial trading where they did some trading back and forth between a few guys in order to drive the price of bitcoin up. And that’s there’s there’s some evidence to support that now. There is a rumor floating around that our friends over in Russia that are looking to get away around us sanctions and they’re going to get around our sanctioned by using Bitcoin in sac what the, the, the whole rumor drives to is that Russia could purchase Bitcoin to replace the US dollar as a reserve currency and there’s saying, Hey, how about we use Bitcoin or some other blockchain technology in order to sell oil for oil trading instead of the US dollar? So the big question is, is this real legit, or not? All the research I’ve done online seems to indicate that it is not legit, although, who knows? Maybe it was a bit of a trial balloon by the Kremlin. But if Russia work to do that, of course, it would drive the value of Bitcoin way up. Because this Russian economist there’s only one guy that said this said that Russia was going to put 10 billion in Bitcoin, I would not call that an investment. By the way, this is not investment advice either, but I don’t know what’s going to happen. But it is an interesting idea with cryptocurrencies. Could other countries get around us sanctions by switching over to Bitcoin or other currencies?

Unknown 19:43
Great question. We’re gonna leave it there Craig is we’re out of time appreciate you joining us as always, and we’ll talk to you again next week.

Unknown 19:48
Hey gentlemen, take care. Thanks Craig

Unknown 19:50
all right we’re gonna come back at the other end of this with our eyeballs

Unknown 19:55
Hey and once again everybody thanks for listening thanks for downloading thanks for subscribing and we’ll be back on Saturday with another one of my Saturday weekend radio shows right here and by the way I you know for a little while twice now I’ve done dailies here for the podcast if you like my podcasts please let me know and also if you think I should be doing dailies go back to dailies if you’d appreciate it if it’s worth the effort because I really want to help out here but when I don’t get the feedback it’s it’s hard to know right how helpful my being but let me know me at Craig Peterson calm. Should I start doing more podcasts more direct podcast talking about but what’s happening out there or is my weekly Saturday summary and my discussion that I put up here on my Monday Tuesday Wednesday podcast. Is that enough for you? Let me know Have a great day. Take care. Bye bye.