The Latest in Tech Today

Beware QR Codes! Quishing on the rise

Let's look at the increase in a new form of phishing that uses QR codes, known as Quishing. Here's what enterprise security leaders need to know. Quishing on the rise Cybersecurity researchers recently discovered an extensive phishing campaign utilizing QR codes as...

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Browser Security: Safeguarding Your Online Journey

Browser Security: Safeguarding Your Online Journey

Unlock secrets to bolster browser security and thwart cybercriminals! Unearth and master strategies to safeguard your online journey from unseen dangers lurking in your browser today! Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Apple Safari, or Mozilla Firefox. Reading the news,...

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Automatic Updates: The Hero We All Need!

Automatic Updates: The Hero We All Need!

Is It a Good Idea? You've probably heard that turning on automatic Windows updates is a good idea. But why? And how? Let's examine why this setting is important and how it can help you save time or money. What are Automatic Windows Updates? Automatic Windows Updates...

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Protect Your Data Like a Pro: The 3-2-1-1-0 Backup Method

Protect Your Data Like a Pro: The 3-2-1-1-0 Backup Method

All businesses began as small businesses and are the lifeblood of our economy. With more than half of all jobs in the US provided by small companies, it is incredible that almost one-third never back up their data.  Scary? No, it's worse; those who did a backup have...

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The New Frontier of Warfare: The Rise of Satellite Wars

The New Frontier of Warfare: The Rise of Satellite Wars

Space might seem like an unlikely front in the battle between world powers, but military satellites are a critical part of modern warfare. Satellite wars have already begun. The US identified space as a domain of war after decades of commercial use. Countries like...

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