Well, you probably know again here, because you’re the best and brightest, what a vigilante is. Well, I bet you haven’t really heard about this type of vigilante before, and it is causing havoc for as many as 40% of computers.

[00:00:17]Well, vigilantes have throughout history decided that they were going to take the launch of their own hands.

[00:00:24] Now, way back when there wasn’t law enforcement, et cetera, that’s just what you did. And then we ended up with the tribes and our tribes would decide, okay, what’s going to happen to this person. And you know, one of the worst things that could possibly happen way back. Caveman days. And after frankly, the worst thing that could happen to you is getting banished because having a group of people who are living together, cooperating together, working together makes all of the difference when it comes to survive.

[00:01:00] And being kicked out of that tribe out of that group meant you had a very low chance of long-term survival. And if you went into another group, they’d really be suspicious about you because where did you come from? Did somebody kick you out because you did something really, really bad? You know, I kind of wonder if that’s not deeply ingrained inside of us from all of those.

[00:01:26] Centuries millennia with that whole type of process in place where we see someone that’s different than us. And we kind of wonder, right. If you think that’s where that might’ve come from. Interesting thought. I don’t know that I’ve ever seen any studies about that. So vigilantes, nowadays are people who they’re not going to the chieftain.

[00:01:47] They’re not going to the local police department or the prosecutor who a, whoever it might be. They are taking the law as it were into their own hands. Now it’s not necessarily even the law, they just decide that they want something to happen in a particular way. And by having that happen in that particular way, they now have control.

[00:02:13] Right. They’re making the law as it were not just enforcing it. We have a lot of malware out there and there’s a lot of different types. You might remember what Sony did, Sony. Decided they didn’t like people ripping their CDs. And so they went ahead and installed an automatic installer for windows computers.

[00:02:36] So if you tried to play your favorite Sony CD, right. Audio CD, listen to some music, it would automatically install some what. You and I would call malware on your computer and it would look at everything you were doing on your computer. To try and make sure that you were not trying to make a copy of the desk, not just a copy, but what we call ripping it.

[00:03:07] In other words, you have a CD and you have an MP3 player. How do you get the CD on the MP3 player? Cause you can’t just stick it into an MP3 player, so you have to rip it and that converts it from the CD format into an MP3 format. So it’s all digital. You can take it away. And I have really griped about the music industry before, because they make way more money off of CDs than they ever did off of records.

[00:03:36] Just because of how cheap it is. It costs them like 10 cents, not even to make a CD. And it costs them a couple of bucks to make a record back in the. So they decided they would do digital without thinking twice about while digital means you can a perfect copy, perfect coffee copy of that desk. And so it’s only, he said, I’ll go, well, here’s what we’re going to do.

[00:04:00] We’re going to make this. And so it installed itself. Way down deep inside the operating system. It watched as you loaded up desks and watched what you did that is malware. And that was Sony being frankly, a vigilant. Yeah. They said, Hey, it’s for copyright protection, but there was no encryption on CDs.

[00:04:24] There still isn’t on compact discs. When we’re talking about music desks, there is encryption on DVDs and that’s what they did in order to say, well, you can’t rip it because it’s an encryption. Past the digital communications millennial act. And then from that act, they were able to now have controls. Hey, listen, if it’s something’s encrypted, you can’t even try to dig.

[00:04:47] Okay. Pretty, pretty big deal. So there’s a whole lot to this whole vigilante thing. And someone is added again, in this case, we found a researcher who has found something you just don’t really see very often, you know, outside that sone thing, but it’s booby trapped file. Yeah, there’s these files that are out there on the internet on a bunch of torrent sites and others that are pirated software and they have a booby trap inside.

[00:05:25] Now the pirated software is typically things like a Microsoft windows or all of their different software, right word. And you name it all the way across the line. They also, by the way, have put some of this malware into games because there’s a lot of people that run games and they grabbed these cracked games from the inside.

[00:05:52] So we’re talking about boob bootleg talk. And so what this person or people, or whoever it is, is doing according to Sofos labs, principal researcher, his name is Andrew Brandt is get getting these people to install this software that has. A booby trap and that what it does is you think you’re just installing the game or whatever it might be.

[00:06:22] But in reality, you’re installing software that sends. The file name that was executed to an attacker controlled server. So it knows, oh, you’re trying to run Microsoft word and it sends along your IP address of your computers. And then what it does is this vigilante software. It tries to modify the victim’s computers so they can no longer.

[00:06:50] Access some, 1000 other pirate sites, like the pirate bay.com, which is a very popular site out. Oh, out there. So this is obviously not your typical malware, not at all. And they are doing this same type of thing. That’s so needed way back in the day, modifying your computer so that you can not do something that may be illegal.

[00:07:19] It may be mostly, most of the time, he illegal, hard to say, but in reality, they’re modifying it without you knowing. It’s a very, very big deal. So people are using software, kind of like this vigilante software to steal stuff. Usually it’s passwords, or maybe your keystrokes or cookies or your intellectual property access Eve, the people are even using ad networks, advertising networks to deliver software.

[00:07:51] But that will mind cryptocurrency for them. Okay. But those are all theft. That’s what the motive is, but not in this case. These samples really only did a few things and none of them follow the motive for malware criminals. It’s fascinating. He had a thing that he posted over there on Twitter, kind of talking about it, but once the victims executed this Trojan file, it gets sent out to a server and I’m sure the FBI is tracking down this server.

[00:08:24]It’s one flourish. She drew.com in pronounceable. And it’s it’s not the one fee share, which is the name of a Cod storage provider, but it’s pretty close to it. And it sends it out. I’m looking at the list of all of these websites that it tries to block by going into your hosts file. But it’s an interesting way to approach it.

[00:08:48] Isn’t it, frankly, by mapping the domains for all of these torrent sites and pirate site. To your local host, the malware is making sure that your computer, I can’t access those websites. Okay. Anyways, if it happens to you just go in and edit the host file. It’s really quite that simple. All right. Stick around everybody.

[00:09:10] But while you’re waiting, go ahead, go online, go to CraigPeterson.com. Once you’re there. You can easily subscribe to my newsletter and keep up-to-date on everything. CraigPeterson.com.


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