
We have all heard of Incognito Mode on our Browsers, but what you may not know is that it may not be protecting you. Listen in and I will explain why.


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Google sued for at least $5 billion over-claimed ‘Incognito mode’ grab of ‘potentially embarrassing’ browsing data

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Now isn’t that interesting incognito mode, right? When you’re going into incognito mode, it’s when you want your data to be private. So a lot of people go to Incognito mode when they’re doing some shopping, maybe they’re Googling things and they don’t want to see a hundred thousand ads for a hair straightener over the next three weeks when the ads come up.

[00:00:25] So they switch into incognito mode. I, you know, I think that’s a reasonable thing to try and I’m going to give you as well as some names of a couple of products you’d probably want to look at and I’ve done some training on and we should probably release some training on them again. But anyways, free stuff.

[00:00:44] Incognito mode is apparently. Not going to block that information. So of course, the lawsuit talks here about the pervasive data tracking Google does. They know who your friends are, your hobbies, what you like to eat, the movies you watch wearing when you like to shop your favorite vacation destinations, and the suits alleging that whether or not you are using incognito mode, Google?

[00:01:16] Is still collecting it. So we’ll see what happens here. Uh, the language is really kind of where it’s focused here. The language Google is using to explain incognito mode. It says that incognito mode allows users to quote, browse the web privately, and quote. And Google pointing to advisories to the user that explained private browsing doesn’t mean data is not collected.

[00:01:46] So Google is going to defend itself, of course, but you know, incognito mode, these private modes are not private. So don’t think that just because you’re turning it on that you’re not being tracked. All right. Don’t think that just you turned it on that your computer doesn’t have little turds left, lying around that can be used to figure out what you did and how you did it.

[00:02:11] And unbeknownst to most users, Google is constantly tracking everything you read and request click by click page by page in real-time because a lot of the websites have Google cookies on them that allows Google analytics and Google ad manager now to know where you’ve gone and what you have done. So don’t trust it.

[00:02:34] So I promised I would give you some alternatives. Uh, first let’s just mention Safari kugel, also intercepts browsing data when the private modes are used on all other browsers, including Safari. Right? So don’t think this is just a Chrome problem. Google is collecting it everywhere and it has to do primarily with the cookies, but also you can now identify.

[00:03:02] A browser, a specific computer without ever reading a cookie by looking at what that configuration is for that computer because that becomes quite a little fingerprint as well. What software do you have installed? How much memory what’s the processor, but a version of the operating system, et cetera, et cetera.

[00:03:20] Right? So they can really track you down. So what I do is I recommend a couple of things. First of all, if you really want to browse privately on the web. Use Epic -E P I C. Epic browser.com is where you’ll find it. It is based on Google Chrome, but they have removed all of the tracking information from it.

[00:03:44] So that’s the first one. The second thing is Epic. It isn’t going to work for everybody and it’s not going to work for every website. That’s for sure. So what you probably want to do is get a couple of privacy plugins that you can use. Privacy. Badger is one that I recommend and I, in my training courses, I show you how to get it and how to install it.

[00:04:09] You block origin is another good one. That you probably should look at it installing. And there are a few others that I recommend as well, depending on what you’re trying to do, but that’s the only way you are going to get some privacy online. Ultimately, if you want the ultimate in privacy in one, in one way, right?

[00:04:30] In another way, it’s a little less than the ultimate, but generally speaking, it’s ultimate and privacy. Do this. Get the tour browser T O R. It runs on the onion network. You’re going to find it to be a lot slower than all the other browsers out there. And you are getting lumped in with some very bad people that use the Tor browser.

[00:04:53] So, you know, take that into account as well. When you’re looking at it, should you use it? Should you not use it? That’s going to be up to you, but if you absolutely want to make sure that your data is not being captured by your ISP and that your data is not. Being stored on your computer, a good way to get there.

[00:05:14] At least most of the way there is to use the Tor browser. Now there are other tools you can use. Maybe I’ll, I’ll put together some courses on that. You have to let me know if you’re interested, where there are secure operating systems and other things you can use, to try and keep your information. Sure.

[00:05:30] Because listen secure. If you have your retirement, do you really want to have that all stolen? If your retirement set up in your business, do you want your business shut down? There’s a lot of good reasons to try and keep your data safe. So stick around. We’re going to be right back. We’re going to be talking about zoom and end to end encryption.

[00:05:54] This is Craig Peterson here, and visit me online. Craig peterson.com.

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