Oct 19, 2019 | 2FA, Agencies, Best Practices, Biometrics, Business, credentials, Cyber breaches, Employees, Employees, Encryption, FBI, Financial, Government, Hackers, Hacking, hardware token, Internet, MFA, privacy, Radio Show, Radio_Show, Security, Security, Technology
It is People and Shortcuts Not MFA that’s the Issue and Biometrics is not the Answer There is a risk to Multi-factor authentication — but it why? Most businesses who choose to use it — decide to use the most insecure version of it. Hackers already...
Jun 1, 2019 | bluetooth, Cybersecurity, gadgets, hardware token, Laptops, Passwords, Privacy, Radio Show, Radio_Show, Security, Security, WiFi
You know that I advise people to use 2FA. But Google’s token has a problem that might affect you. Just this week Google announced that their two-factor authentication FOB, called Titan, has a vulnerability that allows it to be hacked by anyone who is within 30...