CyberGuerrilla hacks Italian State Police Union

2019, Breaches, January

Who: Italian Trade Union of State Police Officers

# of Accounts Breached: Over 200 police officers.

What was affected: Full names and personal email addresses. Hackers also posted the user login name and password of 26 website administrators.

When it happened: December 30, 2018

How it happened: Over the weekend, December 30th, 2018, the Anonymous Anarchist Agency announced a hack and data leak was effecting the website of the Italian Trade Union of State Police Officers. In a press release published initially by Anonymous CyberGuerrilla, hackers released the contact information of over 200 Italian police officers, including their full names and personal email addresses. Hackers also posted the user login name and password of 26 website administrators, theoretically giving anyone access to the back end of the website and its contents.