Islamic Bank Breached through Internal Systems

2019, Breaches, March

Who: Meezan Bank

# of Accounts Breached: 260,000 Card Present payment cards

What was affected: Card Present payment cards

When it happened: Between October 26, 2018 and February 25, 2019

How it happened: Over the past few months, there have been reports suggesting significant payment card breaches involving Pakistani financial institutions. In November, 2018, 20,000 payment cards were reportedly found for sale on the dark web in two dumps in October. Bank Islami was one of the banks implicated in the rash of payment card compromise, but in February, Group 1B named Meezan Bank as also having possibly been compromised after 70,000 more cards showed up for sale on the dark web.

Outcome: Gemini Advisory says it now appears that the card-information dumps point to a more aggressive level of hacking beyond point-of-sale attacks.