Small businesses are big targets for hackers. That’s because they’re often seen as easy targets with limited budgets and resources when it comes to cybersecurity. And unfortunately, many small businesses fall victim to cyber-attacks every year. But don’t worry! You can still protect your business with the help of DNS filtering.

Small businesses, big targets: Despite their size, small businesses are often seen as easy targets by those pesky hosers (hackers). Just remember, you can’t fly under their radar, folks!

Small businesses, big targets: Despite their size, small businesses are often seen as easy targets by those pesky hosers (hackers). Just remember, you can’t fly under their radar, folks!

Hackers are looking for easy targets, and know that most small businesses don’t have the resources or knowledge to protect themselves against cyberattacks. Small business owners need to be aware of this and do everything possible to keep themselves safe from hackers.

The grim numbers: Brace yourselves, friends, because 66% of small businesses have suffered a cyber attack, and 63% have ended up with a data breach!

The grim numbers: Brace yourselves, friends, because 66% of small businesses have suffered a cyber attack, and 63% have ended up with a data breach!

These numbers come from the Ponemon Institute study titled “2019 Cost of Cybersecurity Breaches.” The study revealed that small and medium-sized companies are likelier than large corporations to be hit by hackers. While these numbers may seem high compared to other industries (like healthcare), they could be even higher if not for some measures being taken by SMBs’ IT teams.

Tech’s double-edged sword: As grand as it is, technology can sometimes be a bit of a bummer. It’s advancing at lightning speed, sure, but it’s also bringing along a host of security challenges.

Technology is advancing at lightning speed, and it’s bringing along a host of security challenges.

As grand as it is, technology can sometimes be a bummer. Sure, it’s advancing at lightning speed, but it’s also bringing a host of security challenges. Many security challenges come with technology: hackers are getting more sophisticated, data breaches are on the rise, and consumers have less control over their information than ever before (think about how much data Facebook has about you).

And yet there’s still reason for optimism: The fact that we’re living in such an interconnected world means there’s more opportunity than ever before for companies to collaborate–and share knowledge about how best to protect themselves from hackers who want nothing more than access into our personal lives or bank accounts!

What are DNS filters such as Cisco OpenDNS, Cloudflare, and Google DNS

The first two are both DNS filters, while the third is a service that offers a free tier of its DNS filtering product to users who want to protect themselves from hackers and malware without paying for it (or having to install anything).

The fourth option is the default DNS server your ISP uses, and it’s probably not the best one. If you want to use a free service with no strings attached, Google’s is a good choice. But if you want more control over your DNS settings or just want something that works better than what your ISP provides for free, check out Cloudflare and OpenDNS.

OpenDNS is Cisco’s free filtered DNS service for small businesses and home users. It has a few paid offerings for families, but you really need Cisco Umbrella if you’re a business. It provides more levels of security, filtering, grouping employees, and identifying which computers and users are trolling the darker side of the Internet.

Your specific challenges: To name a few, you have to juggle the rise of SaaS apps, a spike in roaming and remote workers, outdated infrastructure, and the ever-present issue of limited budget and resources

You have to juggle the rise of SaaS apps, a spike in roaming and remote workers, outdated infrastructure, and the ever-present issue of limited budget and resources.

  • The problem with SaaS apps: When managing a small business, you don’t have the luxury of having an IT department that can handle all your security needs. You need something easy to use that doesn’t require training or hiring additional employees. With this in mind, we built our own cloud-based platform that allows us to take care of everything from one central location–no matter where our customers are located across the globe!
  • The problem with roaming employees: We know how important it is for businesses like yours not only to stay connected but also to get things done while on the go so they can focus on their core competencies instead of being distracted by IT issues such as lost passwords or forgotten logins due lack access during travel etcetera…Our solution offers complete control over all devices regardless of where they belong geographically because everything happens locally within each device itself rather than relying heavily on centralized servers, which makes them more secure against cyber threats such as ransomware attacks, etcetera…

The problem with traveling employees: We know how important it is for businesses like yours not only to stay connected but also to get things done while on the go so they can focus on their core competencies instead of being distracted by IT issues such as lost passwords or forgotten logins due lack access during travel etcetera…Our solution offers complete control over all devices regardless of where they belong geographically because everything happens locally within each device itself rather than relying heavily on centralized servers, which makes them more secure against cyber threats such as ransomware attacks, etcetera…

Our trusty companion – DNS: That’s right! At first glance, DNS might look like a hosers’ paradise. But guess what? It also serves as an opportunity to block most cyber attacks in their tracks.

DNS filtering is a cloud-delivered security service designed to help businesses big and small. It’s easy to deploy, scale, and use; it provides visibility into SaaS app usage; it can be used as an additional layer of protection for your network against malware and phishing attacks; and best of all–it’s cost-effective!

DNS filtering works by blocking access to malicious domains before they reach your network perimeter. Instead of having an onsite solution with limited capabilities (like antivirus), you can now protect all your endpoints from threats without additional hardware or software by simply adding DNS filtering into the mix!

The SaaS filtering solution is based on the same technology that powers our cloud-delivered security service’s easy-to-deploy, scale and use; it provides visibility into SaaS app usage; it can be used as an additional layer of protection for your network against malware and phishing attacks; and best of all–it’s cost-effective!.

Meet DNS filtering: A cloud-delivered security service designed to help businesses big and small, Cisco OpenDNS start protecting right from the DNS layer, preventing threats from ever forming a connection.

DNS filtering is a cloud-delivered security service that’s designed to help businesses big and small; Cisco OpenDNS starts protecting right from the DNS layer, preventing threats from ever forming a connection. It does this by blocking malicious domains before they can reach your network.

How does it work? DNS filtering uses intelligence gathered from Cisco’s Global Threat Intelligence (GTI) network of more than 800 million endpoints worldwide–the most extensive private collection of threat data in existence–to identify malicious domains before they can cause damage. When you use DNS filtering with the Cisco Umbrella solution in place, you’re protected against all types of threats, including ransomware and phishing scams and botnets used for DDoS attacks on your website or network infrastructure.

Why should you choose Cisco Umbrella? First off, it topped the charts in the AV-TEST security efficacy test with an impressive 72.6% detection rate.

The Cisco Umbrella Cloud Security solution offers several benefits to small businesses. For one thing, it topped the charts in the AV-TEST security efficacy test with an impressive 72.6% detection rate–the highest of all tested products. In addition to its high detection rate, Cisco Umbrella has a low false positive rate (0%), meaning that it won’t flag legitimate sites as malicious or block access to them. The combination of these two factors makes the product especially effective at keeping your business safe from cyber threats without interfering with productivity or causing unnecessary stress for employees who may be worried about getting locked out of their email accounts by mistake.

Ease of use: Remember what we said about being cloud-based? That means Cisco OpenDNS and Umbrella are super easy to deploy and scale.

The Cisco OpenDNS Umbrella is a cloud-based service between your business and the internet. This means you don’t need to install hardware or software in your office, configure network devices and manage their updates, manage user access and authentication or even configure DNS servers. You only need to sign up for an account with Umbrella (free) and point it at your existing network so they can protect your site(s).

Visibility into SaaS app usage: With filtered DNS, you can easily keep an eye on app usage and assess any potential risks

If you’re unsure what’s being used and how it’s being used, you can’t know if it’s a risk. This is where DNS filtering comes in handy. With filtered DNS, you can easily keep an eye on app usage and assess any potential risks, for example, if your employees are using Slack for work purposes but also using it to communicate with friends or family members outside of work hours or while they’re traveling internationally (without VPN), then this could be something that needs to be looked into further by IT admin staff before proceeding with business as usual.

You can also use DNS filtering to block certain apps altogether if they pose too much risk for the company–for example, blocking social media apps like Facebook or Instagram because those platforms have been known in recent years as places where people share private information about themselves without thinking about who might see it later down the line when someone else gains access through hacking techniques such as phishing scams (which occur when hackers send fake emails pretending they’re from someone else).

Coverage – everywhere!: Covering all your users, devices, and locations, this solution doesn’t compromise performance. Plus, it’s cost-effective

In a nutshell:

  • It’s cloud-delivered and easy to deploy and scale.
  • It covers all your users, devices, and locations with one solution.
  • It doesn’t compromise on performance or cost efficiency for small businesses.


If you’re a small business owner looking to protect your company, we hope this article was helpful! We know how stressful it can be when there’s so much at stake. But don’t sweat it – we have an easy solution that will keep your data safe and secure while allowing you to focus on essential things like making the world a better place (or something like that).

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