Big Tech Contact Tracing – Antithetical to American Society

The way that public health follows infection of a population is by tracing the contact of infected persons, and testing them is known as contact tracing. It is how epidemiologists aim to reduced clinical diseases in a populace.  


Can technology be the answer to following the COVID-19 virus as it moves through the population? Yes and No. Yes, they may be able to do this through location tracking using your devices Bluetooth signal. However, No, they won’t be able to because the problem is multi-faceted. One is signal strength during the time devices are in the same locality, the second is privacy and compliance, the third is testing, and the fourth is the age of the population and their accessibility and capability of their technology. 


No matter how much Big Tech wants to solve all these issues, it is antithetical to a free society. Many will not accept the invasion of privacy of monitoring of our movements, and our health status or the requirement to purchase and maintain an acceptable type of technology to receive a government regulated service.