
Hey everyone.  I hope you are all doing well during this period of social distancing we are experiencing due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

If you are new to doing remote work or working from home then you are going to want to attend the series of webinars on tools, techniques, and tactics you can use to make this easier for you.  These are all offered at no charge. Later next week, I will be offering a live training course on securing your computers, networks, and browsers. This will be deeply discounted. No pressure, but if you are interested, I would appreciate your business.

I was on with Jim Polito who was sitting in his kitchen under self-quarantine because he recently traveled overseas. We discussed some Top Tips for Remote Working and Working From Home. So, here we go with Jim Polito.

For more tech tips, news, and updates visit – CraigPeterson.com


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There is a special plug-in that goes into your browsers, which helps to improve the whole browser experience. You use less memory, you will use less battery if you’re on a laptop, and maybe you’re out a little bit. That’s the kind of the scope of what we’re doing. We’re getting into security as well. I’m going to teach you the tools, techniques, and tactics that I use, Jim.

This morning I was on with Jim Polito course, Craig Peterson here. And I spent a little time talking about the webinars, and what I have learned from more than 20 years of working from home and with my family. I will tell you the things that work for all of us. So listen in here we go.

He is the man, and this is the guy you want to turn to in times like these. I’m talking about our tech talk guru, Craig Peterson. Good morning, Craig.

Good Morning. I guess I am the man of the hour. I can’t believe how many people have work from home questions.

Listen, let’s start by just letting everybody know at the end of this segment, you can get all of this information plus more. You can get on his list, which is an excellent thing, especially now. Because you will send great information along to people, and you won’t try to sell them anything or anything else. It’s just that’s how it is. But that we’ll talk about at the end, but you’ve got some webinars going on. Before we get to our topics at hand, you have a pretty significant announcement.

Yeah, this is a very, very big thing. I think for so many people. We have, as you might know, I’ve been doing webinars for the FBI is infragard program. That’s where The FBI works with critical infrastructure and critical businesses in several areas. Now, I guess based on what you were saying this morning. I’ve been doing these for quite a while. And the whole idea is to help businesses understand what they need to do. And we get some information from the FBI. They’ll tell us stuff that they’ll tell anybody, and then they keep everything that keeps us up at night, close to their chest. Yeah. Here’s what I’m going to do. I have been doing webinars now for quite a few years, and we have some brand new ones. I have nine different remote work or work from home type of webinars coming up over the next two weeks. We’re going delve into a different topic each day. I’m going to make them available to people who sign up. That is important as these are going to be LIVE. I will stay on and answer everybody’s questions. The ones that I’ve done so far, they have been averaging about an hour and a half long. We’re going to have one at 4 pm. Today, one at 9 pm tonight, and we’re going to be talking about how to a special plug-in for your browsers, that helps to improve the whole browser experience. It will help you use less memory, you use less battery if you’re on a laptop, and you step out for a little bit. That’s the scope of what we’re doing, and we will be getting into security as well. I’m going to teach you the tools, techniques, and tactics that I use, Jim. The way people sign up is they can just go to my website, Craig Peterson dot com slash Jim. There’s a special sign-up there. Craig Peterson dot com slash Jim. It is just teaching and is free for everybody. Even though maybe you’re a little bit older, you’re not working anymore. Although aimed at remote workers, both for the business owner and the people working from home. If you’re a little bit older, you’re not working anymore, and you are still going to get a lot of benefit out of these webinars because you’re going to learn a lot more about security. I’m going to give you all these free tools I use. We’ll talk a little bit about some of the paid tools that we use, but it’s all about remote working in this day and age.

That’s great. You know what I’ll do, we always podcast this segment. And what I’ll do is I’ll put up a link in that podcast posting at WTAG dot com on the Jim Polito Show page. When I broadcast this later this morning, I’ll put that link up so people can get it now. I used some of the information you sent me. I mean, all of it was fascinating. However, I want to zero in on one thing. The big gamble that tech companies are making right now.

As you know, they say necessity is the mother of invention. These companies must now take a more in-depth look at artificial intelligence. Not that companies aren’t already using it, including our artificial intelligence right here at iHeart. But artificial intelligence in terms of these big tech companies, and it’s kind of a gamble right now, why don’t you explain that?

Yeah, it is because their people, you know, they aren’t able to go into work. We’ve been using it in the tech industry for quite a while. We have used it to work with foreign workers as well. That has been wonderful for them because it helps to move them up to the food ladder if you will by increasing their pay. You know, it used to be that we would always outsource to India and it was very cheap. Then India’s wages now are almost on par depending on what type of work it is with US workers. Currently, India is outsourcing to China. It’s great. It’s been lifting all the boats in that ocean everybody has been doing a little bit better. But we’re at the point now where we need to have some more advanced technology. We’re talking about hundreds of hours worth of videos being uploaded to YouTube every minute. There is no way that you could hire enough people to review all of those as an example. So what we see now is an acceleration via this artificial intelligence type mechanism reviewing videos. We see our posts on Facebook, for instance, and you’re having problems getting your advertising approved. BTW that is another reason to use iHeart to get your messages out, which I heard is also using AI to accept these ads. So, overall, this is the trend, it’s going to be here it started before the whole Covid-19 virus thing. However, with many people quarantining, you can’t find a laptop to buy anywhere in the known universe, because they are all gone. Many of these businesses now no longer have the workers that they used to have even. So they’ve turned more to artificial intelligence. That means that there are all kinds of false negatives about some of the stuff you’re posting. Which means things you’re posting may get blocked more often than usual. Things you post, videos you upload might not get approved. And this is an overall trend. You know, they call it artificial intelligence, Jim. But the way I’ve been looking at it is not even machine learning. It’s just some heavy programming that looks for patterns looking for keywords that have been getting a little bit smarter as time goes on.

It’s not like, like in science fiction movies, where artificial intelligence becomes self-aware. It is. I mean, frankly, what Tommy be our meteorologist does with the models is a form of artificial intelligence because the models continue to learn. They adapt and regurgitate what they learn. They’re not self-aware. They’re not reasoning they’re doing what we have programmed them to do.

They’re looking for pattern matches. That is what they’re looking for, and you know what, with this coronavirus pandemic, the whole artificial intelligence pattern matching thing has been a huge win. We’re able to run simulations. Not just against known drugs that a drug company might want to try but against basically every material and combination of materials and minerals and bacterium, etc., etc. Even those that we could even think of using. We can run the simulations inside these artificial bits of intelligence that have learned a little bit about these patterns. We see these types of vaccines and medications delivered in just an incredible time. Things that would take years are now taking hours literally, and we are moving towards the point very, very soon. We already have some of this where we will have drugs ready. These vaccines you name it made specifically for us. So there will be a Jim Polito pill the Jim Polito can take that will deal with all of the issues he has. That’s all thanks to this artificial intelligence, this machine learning that’s going on right now.

I don’t think people want to take the Jim Polito pill, to be honest with you. I understand the metaphor there, Craig, but I just you know, nobody wants to be a middle-aged chubby and loudmouth and be stupid when it comes to tech, right. We’re talking with Craig Peterson, our tech talk guru. Artificial intelligence is a big tech gamble right now. His webinars, which you can sign up for from him, and at the end of his segment, and we’re going to tell you how you can get all of this information from him.

Craig, if I could just shift back, again, to working from home. I know you’re going to discuss this in the webinars, and in the short time we have left, could you give me kind of just a brief bit of some of the things that you’ve learned over the 22 years of working from home, not because you had to, but because it worked for you?

Yeah, it did. There are some basics that I have found work well for both my wife and I. Now I even have kids that work from home, too. In 22 years of working from home, the number one thing that I’ve learned is you have to have not just a separate space, but multiple separate areas. Most of us have various job functions that we’re performing, and you need to have a different place for each job function, especially if you’re kind of an entrepreneur or you’re trying to start a home business. Now, this doesn’t mean you have to have different rooms, don’t get me wrong, but don’t sit in that chair you use to watch TV. Or if you only have one chair, turn it around, and, you know, face a different window have different environments. That’s number one. Number two is one that I found very, very helpful, and that is to use the Pomodoro Technique. We mentioned that last week, and that is to take 20 minutes and then a 10-minute break. So that you’re very, very focused on it. You have to get up and walk around. I sit on a big balance ball, and I have a desk that goes up and down. I can be standing, and I can be sitting in a chair like I am right now. Or I can be on one of these balance balls. Because if you don’t, and may not think of it but you have To get up, you have to keep moving. And then the third most important thing, again, not technology-wise, is that your family has to respect your workspace. Think of different ways you could do it. Most people, it’s advised to dress up as you would usually for work. And if your family sees you in work clothes, they’re supposed to leave you alone. But you know, the workaround I have on that that has worked exceptionally well for me, is when it’s that break time when I’ve done my 20 minutes of hard work. Then a 10-minute break, I walk into the rest of the house, go to the kitchen, walk around, get a cup of water, and talk to the family. That way, they don’t have to interrupt me when I’m working hard. And then the technology side, make sure you are safe, and I mean safe and so Friday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. I’m going to be talking specifically about some important security things you have to be doing in the webinars. And I’ve got right I’m doing two today to Thursday to on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, all the way through next week because I want to help everybody because these tech issues on security just get so complicated so fast. Still, those are my tips right there, and they have gotten me a long way.

I’ll tell you, you know, the first day I did the show on the pajamas, but on the second day, I only thought about it. Now I’m up and dressed. You know, the thing is, I wear pretty much the same clothes to go to work that I do on the weekend. But no, I got up showered did the same thing that I would do. You know other than getting in the car and driving, everything I did was the same. I like you, take breaks during the commercials in our show when I don’t have work to do. When I’m back in the studio, I walk around the building, you know I get out of the studio, and it refreshes my brain and resets it. Here it’s perfect because I can get up from the table and the little broadcast area I have here. I can talk to Kathy, pet the dog, whatever, you know, that kind of stuff. It does help, but then I go back into the mode, and I’m in my little you know area here. It works. Look, it is time to get folks the immediate information. When I podcast, this will have a link, but you can give the link now to if you want. So, one thing to get on Craig’s email list, you text My name Jim, J-I-M to this number.

Here 855-385-5563. So let’s just Jim 2855385 5553

All right, standard data and tax rates apply. Then, Craig, I’m going to put this with the podcast the address for the to be able to find out about the webinars you’re doing for working at home. All right, there you go. It’s Craig Peterson, of course. Craig Peterson dot com slash, Jim.

That’s the only place you’ll find it right now you guys are getting a heads up. You’re going to be some of the first ones to be able to get in and ask questions. I am not advertising it generally right now. It’s because I want to start small and help people as much as I can. Craig Peterson dot com slash Jim.

Craig, you’re the best. We appreciate it. Especially in these times, folks you want to get on Craig’s list. I don’t mean the website. I mean, Craig Peterson, and if you can, attend some of those webinars. Craig, I will talk to you next week. Stay safe.

All right. Thanks. Take care. Bye-bye.

All right, and I will podcast that this morning. A final word when we return. You’re listening to the Jim Polito show from my kitchen with pops. It is your safe space. The Jim Polito show, where we serve hot drinks.

Transcribed by https://otter.ai


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