TTWCP Radio Show- 2018-06-09 Don’t use Android Phones, Switch from chrome, Smartphone Interruptions, Crypto Problem For Security Candidates

On This Episode…
The Internet Trends Report.  Craig discusses some of the interesting things that you will discover in reading through this report.

What’s up with Android users doing updates and patches.  Craig tells you about a study that showed 90% of Android users do not update or patch their devices — 90%  WOW!!

What Browser are you using?  Craig explains why Chrome is probably not your best choice if you are worried about privacy and security he tells you his choice for browsers.

Whats the matter with checking your phone everytime it beeps?  Listen in as Craig talks about a study that indicates that interruptions from our smartphone are affecting our brain chemistry.

Owning cryptocurrency Can affect your employment. Craig explains why the Federal Government is taking a long look at those who own Cryptocurrencies and have a security clearance for their jobs.

Autophagy and intermittent fasting.  Craig discusses a study by Nobel Prize winner Jason Phung and his research and how intermittent fasting has changed Craigs life.

Craig is putting up a new membership site (Yes, it is free you just have to sign up)  On it will have all his special reports that he puts out and you will be the first to get them.

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Below is a rush transcript of this segment, it might contain errors.

Airing date: 06/09/2018

Don’t Use Android, Switch Browsers, and Smartphone Intrruptions

Craig Peterson: [00:00:00] Hi everybody, Craig Peterson here, With a fan going on me as it is a little hot today. So, I apologize for some of the background noise and I’m a little clogged up also, just allergic to something. Just this time of year. We’re going to be talking today about a couple of things to do with cryptocurrency. We’re going to get into addiction and I wanted to get to last week as well as Autophagy thing. This guy Dr. Jason Phung won a Nobel Prize a couple of years ago and I’ve got to tell you what he found has already changed my life, so I’ll tell you about that as far as my health goes. And it was really quite surprising to me. Goodbye Chrome. When you talk about why, we’ve got at least one guy who is leaving chrome and where he’s moving to. Smartphones, they are impacting our brain chemistry. Cannon, Oh my gosh. Remember the Cannon EOS, Well, they stopped making them in 2010 and they just ran out of inventory. So, that’s it that’s the end of an 80-year history of film cameras for Canon. Wow. And, I want to get to Mary Meeker. She’s just amazing. She’s got her new internet trends report out. I just printed it up. I printed four pages per sheet. This thing is huge it’s hundreds of pages long. Almost 300 or I think little over 300 pages. So, we’ll talk about what she’s seeing for trends in the Internet and of course a whole lot more stick around. Here we go.

[00:01:49] On the front lines and ahead of the trends in business and consumer technology speaking with the top minds and creators behind the products and ideas that help to drive our everyday lives.

[00:01:59] Dean Kamen is joining us now. He’s the inventor of the Segway and the founder of us first Steve Forbes appreciate what you can do with Forbes magazine for all these years. It’s one of my first go to places you can’t talk right now with the guys and gals. Siri right now by the director of technology we’re joined right now by the CEO of E-bates Kevin Johnson on air for more than 15 years. Over 20 million downloads

[00:02:27] This is tech talk with Craig Peterson.

[00:02:32] All right let’s get going. Not a whole lot of time. It’s hard trying to squeeze this into half an hour, it has been crazy. OK, so everybody should now have their Log-ins for my membership site everyone who asked who is having problems with this whole router update. This whole FBI thing. If you haven’t received it let me know. But we were busy this week making sure we gave free account to the listeners who were having troubles who wanted to know more about the routers what models are affected maybe what they should do. We’re going to be putting more of that together over the next week. Expect us to come out with something about. OK so now you can reboot is a router for two weeks now. So, what should you replace it with. And by the way you should have rebooted it twice if you do it once per week which is a minimum recommended by the FBI. So, we’re putting together something I’m going to try and do a little probably not a Facebook Live, just so many of you guys just aren’t listening aren’t on Facebook because of frankly good reasons. So, we’re probably going to do webinars or we’ll do it similar to the last web before we had and kind of go through what your options are what you should do if your business how you can move away from these cheap home routers you don’t want to use them now.

[00:04:03] It’s just amazing to me that people are still doing it. So, if you still have questions about this or anything frankly you can always text me 8 5 5 3 8 5 fifty five fifty three to get a hold of me. Well, let’s get into Mary Meeker’s report. She comes out with this Internet trend report every year and the market pays major attention to her. Kleiner Perkins is the company that she works for. And they’ve got a lot of very cool data in this it just came out the end of May in fact May 30th. So, she is looking at the trends overall of course growth is continuing but is continuing to slow. Now I’m looking at the stats here comparing smartphone unit shipments Android, iOS, and other and year to year growth. And basically, we have leveled out here with about one and a half billion smartphones a year. Now think about that if you’re a business person or even if you’re running the local soccer teams Web site you’ve got to seriously consider what people are watching what they’re looking at. And another statistic that’s in here is that now more than 50 percent of the Internet users are using these smartphone devices.

[00:05:23] It’s just incredible. So, this year we had 7 percent growth versus 12 percent growth last year and our global Internet users we are now more than 50 per cent saturated. In other words, 50 more than 50 percent of every person worldwide has access to the Internet. Now that’s a pretty big number. What that means is from a growth standpoint maintaining growth is going to be difficult, but growth still does remain solid. We’ve got more innovation more competition frankly, you can find all of this report I got it posted a link to it anyways up on my Web site at, WI-FI adoption online payment. This thing goes on and on. She’s done a great job here looking to better experience for consumers and video music. The news feeds it is just amazing. So something you should look at if you are an Internet marketer if you are doing anything Internet frankly so have a look at that. Mary Meeker. OK so let’s talk about some of these devices. Let’s talk about the Android smart devices because here’s some statistics that I thought were probably happening and now it’s getting confirmed. Yes indeed. Android devices turned out and this is a great article on cyber scoop by Patrick O’Neill.

[00:06:59] Turns out, no one is updating their Android devices, and what have I said about Android for a long time. One is they are more susceptible to hacking than iOS is for quite a number of reasons. The hardware in Android is not as good as the hardware you’re going to find in an iPhone. But in addition to that, the biggest problem people have with Android devices is keeping them up to date, most of the manufacturers and remember we’re not just talking about the guys that make the phone. We’re talking about the companies that are using the phone and are distributing them that are selling them to end users because each one of these carriers is going to have some changes at least to the software in those devices. So, what it’s time for a new update when Google comes out with a new version of Android. It might not ever, ever, be available for your Android device. So, when you go back to the standard recommendation of patch early and patch often. You can do it even if you want to. OK. Duel security just came out with the stats here. They released a study about a week ago that found that 90 per cent, nine zero percent of over 10 million Android devices across the U.S. and Western Europe are running outdated versions of Android, 90 percent. And remember New versions of Android aren’t just giving you some new features. They aren’t just making things cooler, looking nicer. Right. With all those wonderful new little icons and logos and things. No, they are closing security holes, 90 percent of devices not patched up to date is a significant gap. So, you take my advice if you can afford an iPhone you’re wrong because if you can afford an android device you can afford an iPhone.

[00:09:11] Now you don’t have to buy the latest, greatest iPhone right. This iPhone 10 that cost a thousand or more dollars depending on what you get on it. You don’t have to get that device. All you have to do is get maybe an iPhone 6S. For instance, there are still for sale 6 s plus maybe. Still for sale and now they’re cheap. They’re about the same price as an Android phone. Many of the carriers if you up your contract with them they will just go ahead and flat out give you one of these older phones and the iPhone’s are easy, peasy, to keep up to date. Apple puts out security patches for the iPhone for years. And years. Unlike many of the Android devices and so, the updates you get an android often they’re kind of haphazard, if you even get them at all and attackers are taking advantage of this. We’ve got new malware brand new malware popping up that preys on old Android software and hardware. OK. So, Apple is dolling out patches to the App Store. There just isn’t the same thing for Google Play and that’s because there isn’t just one Android phone. There are more than 1000 models. Compare that to Apple that only has to deal with a few dozen. And you can begin to understand why Apple can keep their software patched up and Google cannot, remember this isn’t really Google’s problem. This is really a problem of the carriers and the phone manufacturers not taking the Google updates and being able to get them out to you.

[00:11:00] OK, now Duo also found that computers are often left behind and Wes’s operating systems 74 percent of Macs and 85 percent of Chrome OS machines are not running the latest software. And that’s a travesty. Now it’s not so bad necessarily with Apple because even if you’re not running the latest operating system they provide security patches for the last couple of operating systems, OK, so it’s not too, too, bad. But when we’re talking about Google’s chromos it’s a bit of a problem. It’s really weird too when you look at the ChromeOS from Google which is on these inexpensive typically inexpensive laptops. These machines auto update on every restart. So, it’s really weird but chromos is widely hair hailed frankly as one of the most secure really computing environments out there today. So, some of these stats may not tell the whole story but again if you can make sure you ditch your Android device and ditch it quick and get yourself an iPhone or an iPad. Don’t worry about the latest model. You don’t need it to stay up to date. You need something recent. If you can afford an iPhone 7 or 8 or 10 go for it. But if all you can afford is that six that are still supported I would I would not get anything older than a 6S which is kind of Apple does this half and half right. They do a six and then come out sometime later with a success then they’ll do just the seven then the seven-S OK, so try and get the second half of the six that’s S series whether it be the big one or the small one.

[00:12:54] All right so let’s talk about Chrome Google Chrome. You know I’ve been on Google earlier for Android now and again remember it’s not so much Google it’s the people that are using the Android software that are making the phones that are selling you the phones etcetera. Right. So, we’re not going to just completely blame Google for this one.

[00:13:16] So or not I’m not trying to be nasty about it but here is the bottom line. We know Google has been really big over the years on monitoring everything that we have to say right. You know that it’s pretty straightforward. I think pretty much everybody knows that. Right. I’m not crazy here. Google’s business is keeping an eye on you and your business right. OK so we’re on the same page here. If you are using google chrome and heck I use Google Chrome right. A lot of people do because there are great plugins for it works well. It’s relatively fast. Well you know I don’t. Are you sick of hearing about data privacy, now. But listen here, in the U.S. there’s very little you can do about these big businesses keeping tabs on you. The big business is watching where you’re going online what you’re buying what you’re interested in right. So, they can bring up this ad or that ad. This is a real problem. So how much information do you want to give Google. I was just looking today, at my information that Google holds. You can go in you can customize it you can say I don’t want to track where I’m going. Where all my searches are, but there’s a lot of options and I advise you to do that you should go in. You should customize your security settings. But the bottom line is they are going to record stuff whether you want them to or not. Now if you live in California you have some options, if you live in Europe you have some options, because of the laws that are there.

[00:15:08] The rest of us have to look at this seriously and try and figure out what the right way to go is. We’ve got Cambridge Analytica the personal data of more than 50 million Americans are in their hand. The Obama campaign the personal information of over 1 billion people in their hands. We’ve watched companies shut down their European branches because of Europe’s data privacy regulations. We’ve seen companies block Europeans from even gaining access to their Web sites. And when you look at the number of breaches that have happened over the last few years it’s just going to make your head spin. So, what can you do. Well we’ve talked about a couple of things before. Duck Duck Go. That’s my default search engine. And you just go to my Web site. you can look it up right there. There’s a search function right on there. But Duck Duck Go, doesn’t keep any information on you. We have the founder of Epic. On our show here. Couple of years back and that’s a browser epic browser dot com and it doesn’t keep any information on you. But it is based on the Google Code. But they’ve gone in and they’ve removed some of those functions. Google has been there to track you. So, what should be the default browser for you. And it’s a question only you can answer. You know I use Chrome for some things I use safari on my Mac for other things use Firefox frequently on my devices as well including on my smartphone.

[00:16:56] I use Firefox, but Chrome has 60 percent of the browser market and Firefox has about 10. Now Firefox has a whole new version of their browser out there now. It is designed to be fast and it’s designed to be secure from a. I’m not going to let people steal your information standpoint right. So basically. You want to ditch the browser that supporting a company that uses the data it’s gathered about you to sell advertisements right as well as allowing companies to track your movements online. Because just how much privacy do you really think Google is going to give you. Now Firefox’s parent company that’s Mozilla. It’s a nonprofit. They, in fact, I would say they’re a little how what’s the right word there. They’re kind of crazy about some of the security and whether or not they should use this version of open source software open source software or not use it. Right. But they’re saying over at Mozilla that the Firefox browser the new one is designed with privacy and convenience. In fact, they say right on the site that Firefox proves that privacy and convenience don’t have to be mutually exclusive. And you know I agree, about that with them frankly. So, I agree that you shouldn’t be sharing all of this data. I agree you shouldn’t be using Chrome, in many cases right. I love having a fast browser and out of the box. Firefox has privacy turned on with Google Chrome you have to go in you have to know what you’re doing and you have to configure it.

[00:18:53] So, let’s just leave it at that. OK. They’ve got this do not track tag that’s available in Firefox now. Not every site is going to honor that. But they really are trying to get privacy and get it out to you. The end user. OK so let’s move on to the next. We don’t have much time here. We only have about five minutes left. I want to remind you that if you’re still questioning your router and what you should be doing, I am going to be doing a webinar for you. So, you have to keep an eye out if you want to know about that. If you have any questions about your router it particularly if your business and you wonder if there is an alternative that isn’t going to break the bank reach out to me I’m putting this stuff together it takes a little while. Hopefully within the next week I’ll have that out and available and we’ll be able to chat in the online space in a live webinar. Answer your questions. But until then you can just text me 8 5 5 3 8 5 fifty-five fifty-three we’ll get you the information we’ve been for people that qualify that are trying to figure out what to do but haven’t been able to will even send you. We’ll create and send you your own log-in to my membership site for free so that you can get all of that information. So, we’ll do that for you.

[00:20:26] But you got to reach out 8 5 5 3 8 5 55 53.

[00:20:31] Interesting study that came out and it was talking about constant interruptions from alerts and messages on your smartphone. And what’s been interesting about this is they’ve been going further than just how long does it take you to get back into that train of thought. Have you noticed that when you get interrupted by anyone or anything it can take quite a while to get back to the original train of thought. I know with me when on trying to figure out something and I am sitting there working in particular. I’m trying to program or I’m trying to write something I have the stream of consciousness and someone interrupts me. I’ve lost a minimum of ten minutes sometimes more than half an hour to try and get back into that flow again interrupting me. To me is extremely painful. I just really hate it. So, when I saw this study I thought wow now this is interesting. Very, very, interesting. This is from CBS local affiliates an affiliate down in Philadelphia but they’re talking about this whole thing Dr. Scott B. He’s a psychologist over at Cleveland Clinic. He says there’s this phenomenon they call switch cost that when there’s an interruption we switch away from the task that we were at and then we have to come on back. We think it interrupts our efficiency with our brains by 40 percent. He says our nose is always getting off the grindstone. Then we have to reorient. Ourselves. And they’re saying that when you do get that interrupt people get little surges of stress hormone, cortisol, which we’ve heard of before it causes the heart rate to jump.

[00:22:14] Some people get sweaty hands and muscles can get tight. So, bottom line they’re advising. Put that phone away. Right. If you’re getting the interruptions I have mine on silent-mode most of the time I don’t even know it’s going off right. I check, I poll every once in a while when I need a little bit of a break. I check and see are there any messages any phone calls I have to return. So, he goes on to say initially when you start trying to stay away from technology or confine it you’ll be a little uncomfortable. You’ll have that fear of missing out or a little anxiety that something is getting past you. But with practice he says your brain can get used to it. So, break the habit. You don’t have to carry that phone around with you all of the time. You don’t have to be constantly checking. There are some symptoms to this. If you wake up in the morning the first thing you do is get on your phone. You’ve got a problem. If the last thing you do at night before you go to sleep is check your phone. You’ve got a problem. It really interesting article you find up on my Web site. And there have been many other articles that are similar to that.

[00:23:25] You have to disconnect. Read a book even watch a little bit of TV. I promise I talk about Krypto we’ve only got about a minute left. We had two different things one if you have a security clearance, you might want to listen to this, because at this point they’re saying that owning a cryptocurrency could cause you a problem if you’re trying to get a security clearance and I can see why. Absolutely see why. And man, I wish we had time to do this. Maybe we should do kind of a whole show on this, but this guy won the Nobel Prize back and I think it was 2016. Dr. Jason Phung and he was talking about Autophagy where cells repair themselves in your body. Know what stops them from repairing themselves. Eating. So, what’s interesting is if you know me you know I’ve been doing intermittent fasting. So, what Basically what he found and won a Nobel Prize for is if you do intermittent fasting you will be healthier. Really interesting article you’ll find it at Craig Peterson dot com. There’s a ton of information I’ve read five books on this so far just fascinating and personally I can say it works. Have any questions. Text me 8 5 5 3 8 5 55 53. Make sure we answer you and visit me online as well. Craig Peterson dot com have a great weekend. We’ll be talking again soon. Bye-Bye.