Feb 29, 2020 | Applications, Applications, Asset Management, Attack Vectors, audit logs, Audit Logs, Best Practices, Big Tech, Business, Cloud, Cloud, Cloud Vendors, Compliance, Computers, Corporate Reputation, credentials, Cyber breaches, Cyber Liability, Cybercrime, Cybersecurity, Data Assets, Data Storage, Employees, Executives, Hackers, Hacking, industrial espionage, Organized Crime, Patches, Patching, Radio Show, Radio_Show, Security, Security, Security Alerts, Software, Technology, Third - Party, Third-Party, Updates
Businesses in Danger: Data Transfer between Cloud Apps The cloud has been sold to businesses as an inexpensive alternative to having dedicated servers on-site but the big drawback is that you know longer have control of the data. I constantly have to explain to...
Feb 29, 2020 | Attack Vectors, Best Practices, Business, Cloud, Cloud Vendors, Compliance, Corporate Reputation, Cyber Liability, Cybercrime, Cybersecurity, Data Assets, Databases, Fines and Penalties, Hackers, Hacking, Legal, Liability, Market Value, Patching, Privacy, Radio Show, Radio_Show, Regulatory Compliance, Security, Security, Security Alerts, Technology, Third - Party, Third-Party, Threats, Unsecured, Updates
Businesses Must Understand The Intricacies of Cloud Security It does not matter the size of the organization or the complexity of the operations businesses have been sold on the idea that “the cloud” is the answer. For MGM Resorts they found out that the data they...