DNS over HTTPS (DoH) is not the Panacea the Marketers Are Leading you to Believe

DNS over HTTPS (DoH) is not the Panacea the Marketers Are Leading you to Believe

DNS over HTTPS (DoH) is not the Panacea the Marketers Are Leading you to Believe Mozilla Firefox is promoting its new DNS over HTTPS (DoH) as a privacy-preserving method, but in reality, it is changing how DNS works. Its not the magical user privacy cure but marketing...
Big Tech Stomps All Over Small Businesses

Big Tech Stomps All Over Small Businesses

Big Tech Stomps All Over Small Businesses Are small tech companies being squeezed by tech giants?  You bet and it has happened numerous times. Sometimes they announce a big product or service, never planning to ever bring it to market.  They drive excitement for their...

Pesky Apps That You Need To Delete ASAP

Pesky Apps That You Need To Delete ASAP Not all Apps are Good Apps…   Depressive Apps. With everyone curating an unrealistic, heavily manufactured, idealized version of their lives, we all start to believe other people’s lives are so much better than...