What Does Your Employer Know About Your Daily Activities

What Does Your Employer Know About Your Daily Activities

What Does Your Employer Know About Your Daily Activities How much does your employer know about your personal life? Maybe more than you realize. When you use your personal devices to access company servers they can log your activities. Then they can track when you log...

Businesses In For Rude Awakening as CCPA Takes Full Effect

Businesses In For Rude Awakening as CCPA Takes Full Effect What use of technology do you use to give you the edge? Do you use outsourced technology platforms and services? Do you know what data you collect and where all your data is stored?  California’s...

How is your Social Credit Score? It turns out that some American Universities use them to track their students.

How is your Social Credit Score? It turns out that some American Universities use them to track their students. Have you heard of the app called SpotterEDU? Initially developed by a college basketball coach who used it to track his athletes as they traveled to their...

Vulnerable Location data — It does not take an Expert to Spy on your Every Movement with Your Phone.

Vulnerable Location data — It does not take an Expert to Spy on your Every Movement with Your Phone.   The media tracked President Donald Trump’s movements during the campaign using cellphone data. Using leaked phone data to track the movements, one...
Big Data, Data Brokers and Your Information

Big Data, Data Brokers and Your Information

Big Data, Data Brokers and Your Information   Big Data brokers collect our data and establish “hidden” ratings about us before selling it to those who will pay. This information is used by marketers, insurance companies, credit companies, and merchants. ...
Online Voting is a Disaster waiting to Happen

Online Voting is a Disaster waiting to Happen

Online Voting is a Disaster waiting to Happen   If it is connected it can be hacked.  The risk of only digital data that can not be audited is just a sure way to assure meddling and hacking of our elections. The integrity of our elections must remain paramount if...