Feb 15, 2020 | Access Controls, Applications, Attack Vectors, Audit Logs, audit logs, automation, Business, Compliance, credentials, Cyber breaches, Data, data sharing, Elections, Elections, Government, Internet, Intricate Data Systems, Malware, News, Online Voting, Patching, Privacy, Radio Show, Radio_Show, Security, Security Alerts, Technology, Updates, Voting Apps, Voting Technology
The security mistakes made by the Iowa Democratic Party in creating their App Last week there was a caucus in Iowa. Caucuses by their very nature are prone to manipulation and miscounting. Then you add in the fact that the party chose to use a new technology that was...
Jan 18, 2020 | Access Controls, Applications, Attack Vectors, automation, Business, CEO, Coding, Compliance, credential stealing, Cyber breaches, Cyber Liability, cyberattacks, Cybercrime, Cybersecurity, Data Storage, Hackers, Hacking, Hacking, Internet, Patching, Radio Show, Radio_Show, safety, Security, Security Alerts, spying, Technology, Third - Party, Updates
A Lesson to Learn – If it is Connected It can Be Hacked I remember years ago at CES 2013, when this young entrepreneur scheduled an interview with me to show off a prototype for his new Ring security device. At the time, IoT was in its infancy, and this product...
Jan 11, 2020 | Asset Management, Attack Vectors, Audit Logs, automation, Best Practices, Business, Business Email Compromise, Cyber breaches, cyberattacks, Cybercrime, Data, Data Assets, DOD, Economic Disruption, Email, Firewalls, Government, Hackers, Hacking, Hacking Tools, Homeland Security, Incident Response, Internet, Iran, Law Enforcement, Nationstates, Networking, Operating Systems, Patching, Phishing, Phishing, Policies and Procedures, Privacy, Radio Show, Radio_Show, Routers, Security, Security, Security Alerts, segmentation, Switches, Technology, Third - Party, third-world, Updates, Wiper Malware
Bomb’s will not be Iran’s retaliation – Technological hacks are more likely Microsoft said on Friday that Iranian hackers, with apparent backing from the government, had made more than 2,700 attempts to identify the email accounts of current and...
Nov 23, 2019 | anonymity, automation, Big Data, Big Tech, Big Tech, Business, Business Email Compromise, Computers, Consumer, cyberattacks, Data, data sharing, Data Storage, Databases, Encryption, Hackers, Hacking, Hacking, Hacking, Internet, Liability, Machine Learning, Monitoring, Radio Show, Radio_Show, Resources, Security, Software, Technology
Big Data, Data Brokers and Your Information Big Data brokers collect our data and establish “hidden” ratings about us before selling it to those who will pay. This information is used by marketers, insurance companies, credit companies, and merchants. ...
Nov 16, 2019 | Artificial Intelligence, automation, DOD, Future Workforce, Government, Machine Learning, Military, Politics, Projects, Radio Show, Radio_Show, Research, Robotics, safety, Science, Security, Technology, vehicles, Virtual Reality, Warfare, wearables
Future Defense and Military Tech Warfare is changing which means that the way we fight and the weapons we use will need to change. Much of the technology that we enjoy and use everyday, initially came from technology developed by and for the military and for space...
Nov 9, 2019 | anonymity, Applications, Audit Logs, audit logs, automation, Big Tech, Business, Cloud Vendors, Code-Breaking, Computers, Consumer, credentials, Cyber breaches, Data, Data Storage, Databases, Elections, Elections, Encryption, Government, Hackers, Hacking, Hard Disks, Internet, Legal, Machine Learning, Malware, Nationstates, Networking, Online Voting, Organized Crime, Patching, Radio Show, Radio_Show, Security, Security Alerts, Software As A Service, Technology, Updates, Voting Technology
Online Voting is a Disaster waiting to Happen If it is connected it can be hacked. The risk of only digital data that can not be audited is just a sure way to assure meddling and hacking of our elections. The integrity of our elections must remain paramount if...
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